Thursday, December 27, 2018

Prepping for the big trip!

Since the day I turned in my deposit for this course I have been mentally creating a list of everything I will be bringing. Something about making a list and checking off those duties makes me feel so accomplished for the day. I love to take trips and look out the window to observe new surroundings so I am looking forward to this train ride just as much as everything else! While I love to travel, I despise packing because I ALWAYS end up packing numerous things I don't even use, so my goal for this trip is to only pack the necessitates (wish me luck). Now onto my preparations!

I am going for "cute comfy" when it comes to my clothes to pack due to the amount of walking we will be doing. I am terrified of the story Mrs. Karn shared with us of a student getting excruciating blisters during her trip to NOLA. I will be packing some jeans, leggings, light jackets, comfy shoes, and of course my umbrella. important personal items include my contacts (no one wants to see me in public in my glasses. YIKES), headphones, laptop, chargers, and as always some money to spend. Educational items I will be bringing include my ATI NCLEX book to hopefully review on the ride to and from, my travel itinerary, and my groups educational information on New Orleans! Lastly, FOOD. My day pretty much revolves around when I am going to eat so I will most definitely be bringing food. I am packing all the essentials to make myself a turkey sandwich at anytime of any day. Along with cuties because they are the perfect snack that can fit in your purse or pocket, granola bars, and water to quench my thirst on our long walks around town.

The only thing I have actually purchased specifically for this trip is a small umbrella. I only had a big one in the trunk of my car and I knew I would not want to drag it around all day in case of rain. I am positive I will find some adorable things that I will need to purchase so stay tuned.

Any nursing student knows that google is our best friend. We google EVERYTHING. Clearly I had to google New Orleans and do my research. I researched the history and big events around the area. I watched a bit of the spin off series of the Vampire Diaries, The Originals, which is based in NOLA so I am VERY excited to learn on our ghost tour and about the other history. Coincidentally enough I have been on a kick of watching The First 48 on A&E during winter break and there have been a few big murder cases based in NOLA, so that is one thing I wish I could erase from my mind!

I haven't had to make many arrangements from my "normal" life to go on this trip other than I had to find someone to cover my two shifts on January 5th and 6th. I have also had to save money here and there to ensure I am comfortable enough to afford food and other purchases to really emerge myself in New Orleans. 

As said earlier, I love traveling so the train is one of the most exciting things for me. I am making sure I bring enough snacks and entertainment for the trip to and from. I will be bringing my headphones, ATI NCLEX book, laptop, and the food I mentioned above so that I am ready for this long train ride. While preparing for the train, I also found myself preparing for the class by logging onto our class site. I looked at all of the links for the hotel, train, restaurants, and other information. I also prepped for the class by making sure I have the blogging due dates together and all of my expectations.

Inner Journey

I have very high expectations for this trip because every student that I have spoke to has raved about it. I see it as a class, but also as an opportunity to see a part of the world I have not yet seen.I always use the excuse of "I'm broke" or "I don't have time" when it comes to traveling, but this trip is allowing me to make time. I imagine this trip will be very busy due to the amount of things that we have planned, but exciting at the same time because we will be exploring new things. I hope to get more experience and knowledge about this amazing city that so many people love. I am from a small town of 700 people so I am always amazed at how culturally different parts of the world are, which will only make me a better nurse with the knowledge I continue to grow on. I took this course due to the popularity of it but also because this is my last semester and I want to experience all that I can before I enter the "real world" in May. I want to experience the culture and exciting lives of the people in NOLA. Everyone seems to free and laid back with their eye-catching attire and style. It's truly inspirational for me to be more open minded in life and to enjoy every second. I am most looking forward to the memories I will be making. This is something I will never forget. I have only traveled to a few states and one other country, so the more places I get to see the better. I am looking forward to this because we only get one life and you never know when it could end so I want to live my life the best I can. Hopefully my blog inspires more people to go out and explore this amazing world!
I say I am done packing, but this will most likely be bursting at the zipper come Wednesday

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