Outer Journey
Female/male urinals & bedpans |
Today was a long day full of exploring the city and learning all about the history. We met with our tour guide Milton and walked all the way from the Cathedral to the St. Louis Cemetery number 1. According to my apple watch we walked 11 miles and my feet are feeling it. My favorite part of this long day was the pharmacy tour. I enjoyed the pharmacy tour because I learned a lot about older medicine that I did not know. It is amazing to see how far we have come in the medical world. The guide was very knowledgeable about everything and made jokes. Even though the building was packed and full of people, he was loud and knew how to draw you in. The upstairs of the building had many old medical tools that I had no idea looked the way they did. It was very interesting. There were advertisements for alcohol used as medicine and old bed pans/ female urinals. Medicine has come a long way and I am so grateful that I am in this profession in this time and day. As we walked through the building you could just imagine this old pharmacist standing at the counter and costumers walking in asking if they could buy the magical sleeping syrup for their child that wouldn't sleep. We also learned that old needles had a very interesting sterilization technique while being made out of lead nonetheless. Another thing that baffled me was they used little devices with razors and other times leaches to get rid of their "bad blood", when in reality all they were doing was bleeding out. If you were lucky enough to survive then you are considered healed of the bad blood.
Inner Journey
Fun pharmacy tour information |
Today as we explored the city I was captivated by all of the art that some artists had hung on fences of the street. The amazing architecture that had meaning behind it and you would have no idea unless someone told you that. The way that every little detail was for a reason, such as cooling and venting the house or a meaning that this house was in a certain family. It really taught me how much New Orleans people care about their city and their roots. I also learned about how much the people of this city take care of their families even when they are in the grave. Our tour guide explained how his family has one day a year where they spend the whole day cleaning up their ancestors tomb and making it look nice. It shows how much love and compassion comes from this city. This city really speaks to a person about their love and openness to everyone. The way that they bring you in and want to teach you about their history is amazing and I wish that I came from a place like that. New Orleans natives are so proud when it comes to their history, which makes you proud and interested as much as them. One thing I really learned today about this city is that they might get hit with tragedies such as fires, hurricanes, shootings, etc., but they will always come back stronger and show the world just how united they are.

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